Browzine surface tablet
Browzine surface tablet

Simple tips will be provided on how instructors and program directors can apply basic Christian teaching to problems and moral dilemmas in a helpful, nonthreatening manner. The study of Ethics offers a natural place to introduce important elements of the Christian faith. Location: LU006 Media Viewing Room on the Mequon Campus and Zoom to SCI 102 on the Ann Arbor Campus, or use Zoom on your own computer. Let’s Talk About GLO #1 Christian Faith and Ethics with Kevin Voss, Philosophy Department Readings will be determined and shared via email. A secondary goal of this group is to consider the increasing diversity of our student population and begin a conversation on culturally responsive teaching. Our primary goal is to learn how we can help motivate and move students from surface to deep learning. We will read and discuss several pedagogical articles on surface, strategic, and deep learning. Faculty Learning Community: Surface, Strategic, and Deep Learning with Marilyn Meell and Robert Hill Please contact Elizabeth Evans with any questions at or 2. Topics: Terminology, four areas of Communication identified and evaluated, four possible areas of GLO #1 to consider and embed in curriculum this year, connecting your lessons to rubrics, how the NETVUE Grant could dovetail with your program and departmental work on any GLO.Ĭoffee, water and snacks will be provided. Departmental assessment coordinators and Assessment Committee members are strongly urged to attend. What is your role in teaching and evaluation of the GLOs? All faculty and instructional staff are welcome. This event recaps efforts made last year on GLO #5 Communicative Fluency and addresses the upcoming focus on GLO #1 Christian Faith for 2019-2020. This program is for all faculty and instructional staff.Ĭome, share with your colleagues. Thursday September 12, 4:00pm to 5:15pm Eastern in Krieger 106

browzine surface tablet

TEACHING, LEARNING and EVALUATION through the Global Learning Outcomes (GLOs) with Elizabeth Evans and Tammy Ferry Blackboard Learn for AL Faculty at Centers.Blackboard Learn: General Information for Concordia University Faculty.Call 263-9889 or go to the InfoLab Equipment Checkout Page to see if any are available. These are checked out for two weeks on a first-come, first-served basis from the help desk. 20 tablets of this type are available.More information can be found on the DoIT KB here. *Adobe Creative Cloud is only available to patrons with a valid NetID login or active Creative Cloud account these machines will ask patrons to log in with an AdobeID to activate the installation.


  • Software includes Windows 10 with MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Adobe Creative Cloud*, and a variety of freeware tools for media playback, recording, and internet messaging.
  • 100+ laptops of this type are available that cannot be reserved.
  • Software includes macOS with MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Adobe Creative Cloud*, iMovie, GarageBand, and a variety of freeware tools for media playback, recording, and internet messaging.
  • browzine surface tablet browzine surface tablet

    At this time, due to low inventory, renewal or extension requests are approved on a case-by-case basis and should be emailed to with the equipment barcode and reason for the renewal/extension request.Īll equipment listed here can be checked out at the 2nd floor computer lab (2250) and are available first-come, first-served.Ĭall 60 for more information.Note that the only equipment currently available for checkout laptops, ipads, and some AV equipment.

    Browzine surface tablet